Fire Department Equipment Grant | OCOM | 31-Jan-25 | $15,000 | $2,000,000 | Fire Departments that provide primary fire protection to an area with a permanent population of 25,000 or less qualify. Allowable equipment within the grant includes protective clothing, SCBA, communications equipment and other miscellaneous equipment. |
Training Reimbursement Grant | OCOM | | $15,000 | | Fire Departments that provide primary fire protection to an area with a permanent population of 25,000 or less qualify. Reimbursement is available for specific fire training classes, including the cost of training manuals and student workbooks. Applications are available mid-December through the end of January annually, subject to availability of funds. |
Fairfield County Foundation | Foundation | | | | The Fairfield County Foundation manages a variety of restricted and unrestricted funds. 2025 GRANT CYCLE DEADLINES: January 31, 2025 and August 1, 2025. |
RecoveryOhio Law Enforcement Fund | OCJS | 6-Jan-25 | | | Funds to investigate drug trafficking organizations and disrupt the drug supply through intelligence gathering, information sharing, and multi-agency coordination. Funds to support local work to help drug overdose victims and their families through education, support, and treatment options. |
Ohio Drug Law Enforcement Fund | OCJS | 7-Jan-25 | | | Grants will cover drug task force expenses related to enforcing the state�s drug laws and combating illegal drug activity. |
Celebrating Ohio Book Awards and Authors | SLO | 12-Jan-25 | $2,000 | | The COBAA grant enables libraries to purchase books by Ohio authors as well as books recognized by Ohio-based book award programs. |
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program | USDOT | 30-Jan-25 | $25,000,000 | $1,500,000,000 | Funding for planning or constructing surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. |
The Enterline Foundation Single Year Grant | Foundation | 31-Jan-25 | $25,000 | | Applicants must be a provider of services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities or a sector level organization that supports providers of services or the sector at large. Evaluation based on the evidence of documented community need and the project�s likelihood of increasing access to services by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities or their families. |
The Enterline Foundation Multi Year Grant | Foundation | 31-Jan-25 | $75,000 | | Applicants must be a provider of services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities or a sector level organization that supports providers of services or the sector at large. Funding or capacity building projects for nonprofits to more effectively and efficiently advance its mission into the future. |
Enhancing Youth Defense Training and Technical Assistance | DOJ | 4-Feb-25 | $900,000 | $900,000 | This funding opportunity seeks to improve the quality of representation and breadth of services available from defense practitioners for justice-involved youth through specialized training, tools, resources, and intensive technical assistance. Educational organizations, nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible. |
Grants for Arts Projects | NEA | 13-Feb-25 | $150,000 | $62,245,000 | Funded activities may include public engagement with the arts and arts education, the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. Awards require a 1:1 cost share/match. |
Advanced Energy Fund | ODOD | 17-Feb-25 | $2,500,000 | $8,500,000 | Funding to help businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, educational institutions, and other entities complete energy efficiency projects. Projects must show a reduction of at least 15 percent in utility energy usage and have a simple pay-back period of 15 years or less. |
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students | HHS | 19-Feb-25 | | $51,470,000 | Provides awards to eligible health professions schools for use in awarding scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have financial need, including students who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups. Potential partnership with institute of higher education or training program. |
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program | USDOT | 24-Feb-25 | $876,000,000 | $876,000,000 | Provides grants on a competitive basis for projects that seek to strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, heat waves, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk costal infrastructure. |
Expanding Strategies for Community Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programming | HHS | 25-Feb-25 | $1,250,000 | $2,500,000 | Awards entities to focus on specific targeted partnerships and innovative strategies to reduce falls and/or falls risk among the majority being older adults and adults with disabilities, with a focus on those with greatest social and/or greatest economic needs through the implementation of evidence-based falls prevention programs with an innovative person-centered approach. |
Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) Northeast-Midwest | USDA | 28-Feb-25 | $10,000,000 | $200,000,000 | Helps communities in the wildland urban interface (WUI) implement the three goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy (Cohesive Strategy): |
| | | | | Restore and Maintain Landscapes; Create Fire Adapted Communities; Improve Wildfire Response. |
Rural Business Development Grant Program | USDA | 28-Feb-25 | $50,000 | $165,799,933 | Promotes economic development and job creation by funding rural projects like business expansion, community facility improvements, and infrastructure enhancements. There is no maximum grant amount; however, smaller requests are given higher priority. |
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Technical Assistance Program | HHS | 3-Mar-25 | | $2,499,000 | Supports recipients of HRSA�s BHWD programs, including, Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Professionals, Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, and Graduate Psychology Education program, and future BHWD program recipients. Potential partnership with institute of higher education or training program. |
Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) | HHS | 17-Mar-25 | $75,000 | | Supports community-based projects that promote access to preventive clinical and public health services for underserved children. |
Rural Emergency Medical Services Training | USDOT | 20-Mar-25 | $400,000 | $10,400,000 | The purpose of this program is to recruit and train EMS personnel in rural areas with a particular focus on addressing substance use disorders (SUD) and co-occurring disorders (COD) substance use and mental disorders. |
Challenge America | NEA | 24-Apr-25 | $10,000 | $2,800,000 | Challenge America supports projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved groups/communities. |
Archival Projects | NARA | 7-May-25 | $150,000 | $1,400,000 | Supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture. |
Summer Research Education Experience Program | HHS | 7-May-25 | $125,000 | | Supports creative educational activities that foster a better understanding of biomedical, behavioral and clinical research and its implications for high school or undergraduate students or science teachers during the summer academic break. |
Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Kit Funding | OCJS | 17-May-25 | | | Rolling deadline. The purpose of this funding is to reimburse state and/or local law enforcement to conduct investigations on sexual assault kit (SAK) testing and related expenses. |
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program | DOL | 10-Jun-25 | $750,000 | $6,000,000 | This program aims to provide technical assistance (TA) to employers (which may include public sector entities) and labor unions to encourage employment of women in both apprenticeable occupations and nontraditional occupations (A/NTO). Only non-profit CBOs are eligible. Industries include advanced manufacturing, construction, energy, health care, information technology, finance, and transportation. |
Extradition Transport Reimbursement Funding | OCJS | 30-Jun-25 | | | Rolling deadline. Funding to reimburse local law enforcement agencies for the cost of in-state and out-of-state extraditions of dangerous wanted offenders back to Ohio to face criminal charges. |
Ohio Law Enforcement Bulletproof Vest Program | OBWC | 30-Jun-25 | $40,000 | | An eligible local law enforcement agency may request up to $40,000 of grant money during FY 2019-24 combined for the purchase of body armor vests, after a local match of 25 percent. |
Firefighter I Training Grant | OCOM | 30-Jun-25 | | | Provides funding to pay for the costs of providing Firefighter I or Firefighter I Transition certification courses free of charge at SFM approved class providers. Rolling deadline. |
Historic Preservation Pipeline Initiative | ODOD | 30-Jun-25 | $12,000 | $100,000 | Provides small grants and technical assistance to assist in nominating buildings and districts to the National Register of Historic Places. Applications are accepted on an open cycle until funds are allocated. |
Specialized Docket Subsidy Project | OhioMHAS | 30-Jun-25 | $55,000 | | Funds available to operational specialized dockets that are currently certified (initial or final) by the Supreme Court of Ohio and are not currently receiving funding from the Specialized Dockets Subsidy Project or drug court grant funding from OhioMHAS. |
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas � Fiscal Year 2025 Release | DOE | 28-Aug-25 | $50,000,000 | $400,000,000 | Supports innovative, community-focused,?clean energy solutions for rural and remote communities of 10,000 people or few. Funding will?help rural and remote communities demonstrate replicable projects, ultimately encouraging widespread adoption and helping to lower energy costs, support local economic development, and enhance energy resiliency. |
Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants | HUD | 29-Aug-25 | $15,000,000 | $3,524,000,000 | Designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. |
Archival Projects | NARA | 5-Nov-25 | $150,000 | $1,400,000 | Seeking archival projects that will significantly improve online public discovery and use of historical records collections. We welcome projects that engage the public, expand civic education, and promote understanding of the nation�s history, democracy, and culture from the founding era to the present day. |
Publishing Historical Records in Collaborative Digital Editions | NARA | 5-Nov-25 | $125,000 | $2,600,000 | Seeking proposals to publish online editions of historical records. All types of historical records are eligible, including documents, photographs, born-digital records, and analog audio. |
Pedestrian & Bicycle Special Solicitation | ODOT | 30-Jun-26 | | | Funding projects that make walking and biking a safe, convenient, and accessible transportation option for all Ohioans. A variety of pedestrian and bicycle related projects are eligible for this opportunity with an emphasis on short term projects. Applications can be submitted at any time, while funding lasts. |
REsearch Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Virtual Resource Centers | HHS | 15-Aug-26 | $850,000 | $2,750,000 | REACH virtual resource centers will foster institutional partnerships and provide resources to support research activities and research training for faculty who work at accredited complementary and integrative health clinical institutions. |
Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) | HHS | 26-Oct-26 | $500,000 | | NIGMS will support innovative educational activities designed to equip participants with technical, operational, or professional skills required for careers in the biomedical research workforce. |
Water Pollution Control Loan Fund | OEPA | | | | Provides financial and technical assistance for improvements to surface and ground water quality. Expected to be available in January. |
Ohio Water Development Authority | OWDA | | | | Offers low-cost, long-term financing options for public water and sewer projects for local Ohio communities. |
Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant Program | USDA | | $300,000 | | Rolling deadline. Upcoming deadlines are 12/31/24, 3/31/25, and 6/30/25. Provides funding for rural projects through local utility organizations. USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities which they, in turn, pass through to local businesses (ultimate recipients) for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas. |
Sewer Overflow and | EPA | | | $41,000,000 | Ohio allocation $2,801,000. Funds can be used for the planning, designing, and construction of combined sewer overflows (CSOs), sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs), and stormwater management projects. |
Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant Program | | | | | |
ArtSTART | OAC | | $5,000 | | Provides flexible, accessible funding to help organizations complete short-term projects addressing a wide variety of goals and objectives. Applications open in November and close on April 1. All awards require a 1:1 cash match. |
ArtsNEXT | OAC | | $25,000 | | Provides competitive funding for innovative and experimental projects. Applications open in November and close on March 1. All awards require a 1:1 cash match. |
Arts Partnership Program | OAC | | $25,000 | | Supports arts education projects that address the needs of individual learners and their communities. Applications open in November and close on February 1. All awards require a 1:1 cash match. |
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program | EPA | | | | Federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Minimum award is $20 million for large communities and $5 million for small communities (population of 25,000 or less). Maximim award is up to 49% of eligible project costs for large communities and up to 80% for small communities. |
Rural Community Development (RCD) | HHS | | $500,000 | | Federal grant program that works with regional and tribal organizations to manage safe water systems in rural communities. |
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants | USDA | | $1,000,000 | | This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Applications are accepted year round. |
Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Grant | USDA | | $30,000 | | This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects. Rural areas with a population of 2,500 or less. Have a median household income below the poverty line or less than 80 percent of the statewide non-metropolitan median household income. |
Clean Ohio Trail Fund | ODNR | | | | Funds trails for outdoor recreational opportunities, including new recreational trail construction (emphasis on linear trails), acquisition of property and easements for recreational trails or recreational trail corridors, and trailhead facilities. Expected to be released in February 2025 and closed in March 2025. |
Recreational Trails Program | ODNR | | | | Funds the development, maintenance, and restoration of recreational trails for public use. Expected to be released in February 2025 and closed in March 2025. |
H2Ohio Healthy Rivers Livery Grant | ODNR | | $10,000 | | This grant supports livery owners in removing trash from rivers and addressing long-standing cleanup needs. June 2024 deadline, Dates for 2025 may vary. |
H2Ohio Statewide Wetland Grant Program | ODNR | | | | Provides up-to-100 percent project funding for high-quality natural infrastructure, nutrient reduction projects. The statewide application will reopen in July 2025. |
Water Pollution Control Loan Fund | OEPA | | | | Eligible projects include new drinking water or wastewater infrastructure construction and existing system upgrades, aquatic habitat restoration, home sewage treatment system improvements and storm water improvements. 2025 deadline pending. |
Water Supply Revolving Loan Account | OEPA | | | | Eligible projects include new drinking water or wastewater infrastructure construction and existing system upgrades, aquatic habitat restoration, home sewage treatment system improvements and storm water improvements. 2025 deadline pending. |
Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Program | OEPA | | $5,000,000 | | Provides grants to improve access to clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. 2025 deadline pending. |
American Electric Power Foundation | Foundation | | | | Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations or political subdivisions must secure an invitation to apply by their local AEP Operating Company. Requests are accepted throughout the year for consideration at regular meetings of the American Electric Power Foundation board of directors. |
T-Mobile Hometown Grants | Foundation | | $50,000 | | Funding for projects that foster local connections, like technology upgrades, outdoor spaces, the arts, and community centers. Applications will be open quarterly January�March, April�June, July�September, October�December. The portal will close on the last day of each quarter and reopen for the new quarter on the first of the month. |
Siemer Family Foundation | Foundation | | | | Supports programs that focus on education, literacy, and serving underprivileged families. Rolling deadline. |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | Foundation | | $10,000 | | Projects that expand access to food and shelter, like food pantry remodel, community garden creation, building repairs and renovations, beautification of community space. Rolling deadline. |
(KFC) Foundation, Inc. - Kentucky Fried Wishes | | | | | |
O'Reilly Automotive Foundation, Inc. - Foundation Grants Program | Foundation | | $30,000 | | The Foundation concentrates its giving in support of organizations and programs addressing economic stability and mobility, workforce development, health and social services, and disaster relief. Rolling deadline. |
Ingram-White Castle Foundation | Foundation | | | | Focuses grants directly toward education and critical human needs.�Rolling deadline. |
South Central Power Company Round Up Grants | Foundation | | $10,000 | | Provides monetary grants in communities throughout the 24-county service territory. Rolling deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31. |
Huntington Charitable Grant Program | Huntington National Bank | | | | Rolling deadline. Award amount varies. Funds provide meaningful support to charitable programs and initiatives that seek to improve self-sufficiency and quality of life in the communities served by Huntington. |
Vibrant Communities Program | Jobs Ohio | | $1,000,000 | | Application deadline NA but program ends in June 2025. Funding to assist distressed, small and mid-sized cities with catalytic development projects that fulfill a market need and represent a significant reinvestment in the community. |
Energy Loan Fund | ODOD | | | | Provides financing for Ohio businesses, non-profits, and public entities to complete energy efficiency and advanced energy projects. Projects are evaluated on a variety of technical and financial criteria that will result in significant energy and cost savings. Qualified Loan Applications Accepted on a First-Come, First-Served Basis and Subject to Funding Availability ($8.5 million FY 24 and FY 25) |
Rural Industrial Park Loan Program | ODOD | | $2,500,000 | | Funding provides low-interest direct loans to assist eligible applicants in financing the development and improvement of industrial parks and related off-site public infrastructure improvements. |
Innovation Hub | ODOD | | $35,000,000 | | Rolling deadline. Innovation Hubs are regional innovation ecosystems driven by unique and existing expertise and legacy industries, which create jobs, increase STEM talent, attract research funding and outside capital investment, commercialize new products, and ultimately make a significant impact on Ohio and the world. |
Credit Bridge Program | ODOT | | | | Rolling deadline. The Credit Bridge Program provides credits to counties to be used as part of the non-federal share for future bridge projects. 80% of Eligible Construction Costs. |
Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program | ODOT | | | | Rolling deadline. Funds to reimburse eligible public transportation systems that offer reduced fares to the elderly and people with disabilities. Eligible public transit systems must 1) receive an allocation from ODOT�s Rural Transit Program or Urban Transit Program, and 2) provide a reduced fare to the elderly and people with disabilities. |
Freight Rail Development | ODOT | | | | Rolling deadline. Funding for rail projects that support economic development, efficient railways, sustainability, safety, and efficiency. |
Grade Crossing Elimination Program | ODOT | | | | Rolling deadline. The program provides $100 million to assist Ohio communities in competing for grade crossing elimination grant funding from the Federal Railroad Administration�s Railroad Crossing Elimination Program. |
Emergency | OPWC | | | | This program is for emergency projects necessary for the immediate preservation of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the local subdivision requesting assistance and are treated on a first come, first served basis year-round as long as funding is available. |
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants | USDA | | $1,000,000 | | Rolling deadline. Funding to construct a water source, intake or treatment facility |
Economic Impact Initiative Grants | USDA | | | | Rolling deadline. Funding to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural communities. |